WordPress 2.6 is available for download

WordPress have just announced the version 2.6 is available for download. The main novelties are the possibility to track changes in posts now (wiki style), the possibility to blog from around the web and the integration with Google Gears. Minor changes include:

  1. Word count! Never guess how many words are in your post anymore.
  2. Image captions, so you can add sweet captions like Political Ticker does under your images.
  3. Bulk management of plugins.
  4. A completely revamped image control to allow for easier inserting, floating, and resizing. It’s now fully intagrated with the WYSIWYG.
  5. Drag-and-drop reordering of Galleries.
  6. Plugin update notification bubble.
  7. Customizable default avatars.
  8. You can now upload media when in full-screen mode.
  9. Remote publishing via XML-RPC and APP is now secure (off) by default, but you can turn it on easily through the options screen.
  10. Full SSL support in the core, and the ability to force SSL for security.
  11. You can now have many thousands of pages or categories with no interface issues.
  12. Ability to move your wp-config file and wp-content directories to a custom location, for “clean” SVN checkouts.
  13. Select a range of checkboxes with “shift-click.”
  14. You can toggle between the Flash uploader and the classic one.
  15. A number of proactive security enhancements, including cookies and database interactions.
  16. Stronger better faster versions of TinyMCE, jQuery, and jQuery UI.
  17. Version 2.6 fixes approximately 194 bugs.

Upgrade your wordpress, download the latest WP 2.6

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